Quick Start Guide
fast introductions to read, show or watch
Customer Journey
Who does what? When does it happen? In what order? Visualize these data to create maps of the customer journey appear.
Process Mining
Who does what? When does it happen? In what order? Visualize these data to create maps of the customer journey appear.
Introduction to Process Mining 1:06
Wat is Process mining – Dutch (2:37)
Process Mining: data science in action. “Process mining fills the gap between traditional based analysis and data centric analysis techniques such as machine learning and data mining” (3:41)
Wil van der Aalst: Process Mining as a Tool to Find Out What People and Organizations Really Do. (2:59)
Text Mining
Text mining identifies facts, relationships and assertions that would otherwise remain buried in the mass of textual big data.
Introduction to text mining (1:48)
Sentiment analysis on customer experience (4:50)
Behavioural Science
… looks at contextual aspects of behaviour and provides insight into how processes may systematically lead people to behave in a certain way.
Atlas of human emotions, Ekman (2:42)
Motivation: The Neuroscience of Compassion, Tania Singer (19:59)
Atlas of Emotions – Interactive site on how emotions impact behaviour
Introduction to Process Mining (1:06)
Ethics: What money can’t buy series, featuring Michael Sandel and Robert Johnson
Integration framework
Artificial intelligence, Machine learning
Computers’ capacity for pattern recognition plays a key role at The Data Tales.
What is AI? explanation for people in a hurry. Explains how computers can make classifications and predictions (5:21)
What are AI and Big Data? (1:49)
TEDx talk with Lora Aroyo (VU) and Christ Welty on using data for modeling human behaviour (13:08 minutes)