Join our journey? We welcome energetic partners and innovative projects.

Who can join the consortium?
  • General interest: We have knowledge sharing sessions, occasional newsletters and podcasts.
  • Actively contribute to our research: We welcome those with an active willingness to learn from this interdisciplinary crowd: most of us are versed in more than one field. We welcome open-minded managers, researchers, policymakers, staff members of organisations from both not-for-profit and for-profit-oriented organisations.
What type of organisations can join the consortium?
Organisations from both not-for-profit and for-profit-oriented organisations can join. We expect an active attitude from our corporate partners and a high ethical standard. Contributions can be in kind (expertise, data, other resources). To find out more about possibilities: use the form below.
What type of projects does the consortium take up?
Our projects apply (elements of) story mining. Our projects enable development of the technology and/or more insight into the dynamics of human interactions and ethics and which can be deducted from data, esp. when it requires different data sources. We like projects where the output leads to better-informed leaders, managers and other stakeholders as to any (un)intended side effects of their policies and communication.

Story mining will be able to model, map and visualize customer journeys and other processes. It can do so in the context of various processes, even within very large institutions, and potentially even to social developments.  We like to develop tools that assist users to assess the root causes of problems, so they can seek sustainable solutions.  It will help them to create healthy processes and foster sustainable economic identities.


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