The Data Tales

Interdisciplinary consortium

The Data Tales

How could data science contribute to better cooperation with and in organisations?  In the spring of 2016, we discovered that all of us were looking for answers to this very question, each of us from different but complementing perspectives. We decided to combine our expertise, dive into the technical research question, and doing so expressly in compliance with high ethical standards and values.   




Customer Journey

Respectfully listen to clients and serve them better, respectfully taking into account the well being of clients and staff alike.

Process mining

What happens in the organisation? When, who, in what order?

Responsible data

Ethics by design. Interests of organisations, their clients and their staff can be aligned.

Data analysis

Data driven organisations make use of correlations and causations to support their decision making.

Text mining

Deduce facts and perceptions to understand process information better.

Story mining

Unite different techniques to digitally assess customer stories.

Customer Journeys should be meaningful .

Integrating technologies

After integrating data we are ready for the next step: integrating technologies. While combining different technologies is fairly new and rife with challenges, taking up the challenge is worthwhile with benefits which include  new and more reliable insights.

Part of the challenge is the need to go beyond your own field and venture to new areas, in an interdisciplinary field where no one has the whole puzzle.  Everyone holds a bit to that puzzle.

It’s an exciting adventure where sometimes the hurdle in one technology opens a door for another. Together we reach a higher le

Understand the flow and reduce bounce rate

Real-time feedback applications are leaving the realms of science fiction and are becoming reality. 

We can visualise true processes when we combine time data to data about what people do.  Those data can be enriched further, e.g. with data about sentiment, perspective, or motivations. 

That means insight into the flow of a customer journey, but also who, why, when this happens. 

Ethics: get a grip.

While technology develops at lightning speed, concrete legal frameworks need more time to evolve. This vacuum and also seems to become increasingly important.  The consortium develops approaches to anticipate future developments in legislation on privacy and security. Ethics provides guidance on how and when to use the (combined) instruments.  



 Make customer journeys better by listening to your client in a new way. 

Let’s Start a Conversation

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